Monday, February 13, 2012

Pink Bananas!

These are my personal statements and do not reflect the opinions of PeaceCorps.

I am a Peace Corps volunteer in Suriname. Suriname contains a massive amount of unspoiled Amazon rainforest. This place has the most beautiful plants I have ever seen.  My personal favorites were the pink bananas I saw yesterday.
I have stopped working with the schools in the district. I was teaching biweekly typing lessons at a primary school and a junior high school / high school. There was a HUGE range of skill levels. Some kids had never used computer before while others had their own computers at home. On Fridays I worked with the teachers on Powerpoint, Excel, Word and Google. The hope was to eventually train them to teach the lessons in my place.

Now, I have moved to the city.

Yesterday I visited a flower shop. I thought it was a small indoor flower shop selling fresh cut flowers like the ones in the US.  Instead, it was a huge outdoor field, and all the flowers were still on the trees. The walkway through it was like a giant maze, so they hung traditionally decorated cloth (Maroon cloth is called pangie or kosu, Javanese cloth is called batik) to keep us from getting lost.
Along the way, I tried guava jelly/ jam/ marmalade (not sure which one) and awara juice. Awara looks like an orange but tastes like a mix of melon with citrus. 

At the end of the maze was food stand with performers. I saw a traditional Amerindian dance.

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